Supply Lists
Click on the tab below to see your child’s supply list for the upcoming year by grade. Purchase the brand indicated on your list, and bring your child’s supplies to the Meet & Greet. See school calendar for details.
- Four Dry Erase Markers assorted colors.
- One 10-pack of Play doh
- Two plastic pocket folders (purple)
- One watercolor tray
PERSONAL ITEMS (label with your child’s name)
- One pair of over-ear plug-in headphones (no earbuds and no Bluetooth)
- One small blanket for rest time:
- These will be sent home on the last school day every week for washing and will need to be returned on the next school day. Mark with your child’s name. IMPORTANT: Blankets must be able to fit easily in their MVA backpack. See Amazon list for ideas.
- School Shoes:
- We strongly prefer Velcro or slip-on shoes that do not require tying.
- Shoes must be all black or all white. Please see Amazon list for ideas.
- Extra set of clothing:
- This should include a pair of uniform shorts/pants/skorts, uniform shirt, pair of underwear and pair of socks. Please mark everything with your child’s name and send items in a gallon size freezer bag marked with your child’s name.
- MVA drawstring backpack, rain jacket, and rest mats will be purchased through Montverde Academy. Your student account will be billed
- One box of 24-count Crayola crayons
- One 10-pack box of classic Crayola washable markers
- One plastic green folder with prongs
- Six standard glue sticks
- One box of quart size Ziploc bags (Mrs. Muniz’s class)
- One box of gallon size Ziploc bags (Mrs. Braunstein’s class)
- Playdough set of 4
- One pair of over-ear plug-in headphones:
- Label with child’s name.
- No earbuds or Bluetooth
- One water bottle:
- Label with child’s name.
- No metal water bottles, plastic only.
- One small blanket for rest time:
- These will be sent home on the last school day every week for washing and will need to be returned on the next school day
- Label with child’s name. IMPORTANT: Blankets must be able to fit easily in their MVA backpack.
- School shoes:
- Velcro or slip-on shoes that do not require tying. Shoes and socks must be all black or all white. Sneakers must be worn on PE days
- Extra set of clothing:
- This should include a pair of uniform shorts/pants/skorts, uniform shirt, pair of underwear and pair of socks.
- Please label everything with your child’s name and send items in a gallon size freezer bag marked with your child’s name.
- New Students:
- MVA drawstring backpack, rain jacket, and rest mats will be purchased through Montverde Academy.
- Your student account will be billed. Returning students will use their bag/mat/rain jacket from last year.
- Three boxes of 24 count Crayola washable crayons
- Three plastic folders with pocket at bottom (2 purple and 1 blue)
- One 3-prong yellow plastic folder
- One pair of Fiskar blunt tip scissors
- 10 Elmer’s glue sticks (small size please)
- Three zippered pencil pouches 9" x 7" (please make sure it is this big)
- One pack of Ticonderoga No. 2 Pencils (12-count or higher)
- One 4-pack of Play-doh (4 oz. size, any color)
- One pair of headphones to fit iPads (no Bluetooth or wireless)
- One 4-pack of dry-erase markers thick (boys) or thin (girls)
- One Pink Pearl eraser
- One pack of big paper plate (boys), one pack of small paper plate (girls)
- One box of gallon bags (boys), one box of quart bags (girls)
- One package of white card stock (boys), one package of colored card stock (girls)
- One MVA rain jacket (can be purchased at the MVA Student Center)
Students new to Montverde Academy will be charged for a Montverde Academy backpack. New students will receive their bag the first week of school. Returning students, please bring your Montverde Academy backpack from last year. Please write your child’s name on the folders, scissors, pencil pouches, headphones, and rain jacket.
We strongly prefer velcro or slip-on shoes that do not require tying. Shoes must be all black or all white.
Grade 1
- Four boxes of 24-count Crayola washable crayons
- One set of Crayola washable markers (8-12 count) - do not label
- 12-pack or larger Ticonderoga pencils - do not label
- One pencil box, no larger than 8.5"L x 5.1"W x 2.6"H
- Ten EXPO dry-erase markers.
- Black, fine tip only
- Do not purchase extra-fine or chisel-tip
- Do not label
- Two plastic pocket folders
- One solid green
- One solid yellow
- Label each on the top right corner with Sharpie
- One 1/2" 3-ring liner (label with name in right, front cover
- One black and white, wide-ruled composition book (do not label)
- One pair of black headphones, labeled and removed from packaging
- One small backpack with a side pocket for a water bottle
- Labeled, first and last name
- Please make sure your child can put their water bottle in independently
- One package of color EXPO markers (Mrs. Cook’s boys only)
- One box of snack-sized Ziploc bags (Mrs. Cook’s girls only)
- One box of quart-sized Ziploc bags (Mrs. Garlands’s girls only)
- One gallon-sized Ziploc bags (Mrs. Garland’s boys only)
- One spill-proof, plastic water bottle with an interior straw
- Label with first and last name
- Bring on first day of school
- One Montverde Academy rain jacket with a built-in pouch to be kept at school
- Available at the Student Center only
- Label in the space on the outside pocket
Grade 2
(Please label with your child’s name)
- One Ruler
- One pair of children’s scissors
- One standard clipboard
- One MVA rain coat with name written on the outside pocket
- One backpack – NO WHEELS ALLOWED
- One 1-subject wide-ruled spiral notebook
- One Wide-ruled composition book
- Two Heavy-duty folders with pockets
- One red
- One yellow
- One pair of black headphones to be used with iPad (no earbuds or Bluetooth)
- One package of baby wipes (girls only) do not label
- One box large food storage baggies (boys only) do not label
- One plastic supplies box
- No larger than 8.5"L x 5.1"W x 2.6"H
Grade 3
- One backpack without wheels
- Three 2-pocket plastic folders with brackets
- Please label with Sharpie
- Red - Drama
- Purple - Spanish
- Orange - Workshop
- Please label with Sharpie
- One 1" 3-ring binder solid color of your choice
- One pencil box to fit INSIDE cubby
- No larger than 8.5"L x 5.1"W x 2.6"H
- One package of eraser tops for pencils
- One box of crayons OR colored pencils
- One package of thick OR thin markers (washable, non-permanent)
- Two yellow highlighters
- two red, green, OR blue ballpoint pens
- One pair of scissors
- Two packs of glue sticks
- One pack EXPO markers
- Thin markers (girls only)
- Thick, chisel tip (boys only)
- One MVA rain coat (purchase at the Student Center)
- Please label
- One pair of headphones to be used with iPad (no Bluetooth or earbuds)
- One spiral notebook with 3-hole punch in blue
- One pack of clear page protectors
- One pack of lined paper
- One pack of pre-sharpened pencils
Grade 4
- One large backpack without wheels
- Six composition notebooks in any color
- Two 3-hole punched, 2-pocket plastic folders
- Green
- Yellow
- Two durable plastic folders with pockets in any color
- Label one Spanish
- Label one Drama
- One clipboard any color
- Two soft-sided, zippered pencil pouches/boxes
- 24 pencils, sharpened
- Two-pack large pink eraser
- One 24-pack Crayola colored pencils
- One manual personal pencil sharpener
- One 4-pack EXPO dry-erase markers
- One 10-pack Crayola thin markers
- One 24-pack Crayola crayons
- One pair 7" Fiskars student scissors
- One 12" Ruler
- One 100-pack 3" x 5" ruled index cards
- Three large glue sticks
- A Stylus for iPad use
- One 3-pack of highlighters
- One 4-pack of Post-it notes
- Headphones for iPad
- Nothing too expensive or bulky
- No Bluetooth or earbuds
- MVA rain coat or umbrella for rainy days
Please write the student’s name on all their supplies.
Grade 5
- One backpack without wheels
- Two 2-pocket, 3-prong plastic-coated folders
- One red
- One blue
- One 1⁄2" binder with pockets
- No binders larger than 1⁄2"
- One 5-tab write-on binder dividers
- Two spiral bound notebook
- 1-subject, college ruled
- 70 pages
- One pencil box to fit inside desk
- No larger than 8.5"L x 5.1"W x 2.6"H
- 36 No. 2 resharpened pencils or mechanical pencils
- One box of crayons
- One package of markers (washable, non-permanent)
- Two highlighters
- Two Black Sharpie markers
- One pair of scissors
- One pair of earbuds or headphones to be used with iPads
- Two Packs of Post-it notes
- One MVA rain coast (required per the Lower School Handbook.)
- One clipboard
- One plastic water bottle
- One calculator
- One stylus (does not need to be an Apple Pen)
- One glue stick
- One pack of white 3" x 5" lined index cards (boys only)
- One pack of notebook paper (girls only)